MVTB#21 – End of the Road

Saturday, May 26, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

After 72 days, six continents, 16 countries, 20 UNESCO World Heritage sites, and over 80,000 km, we landed back in Edmonton at 1 AM this morning!  Home at last!


When we set out, this song seemed like it would be just about perfect (not to mention my new go-to karaoke song).  The thing about travelling though is that you quickly learn that if you’re not Johnny Cash, you never get everywhere.  In every single country we visited, we left too soon, and felt we could have happily spent much more time there.

In a couple days, I hope to have a bit of a highlight reel done and then I’ll put up a post better summarizing the trip….and unveiling our grand finale song!

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