MVTB #1 – The evolution of the travel blog
Sunday March 11, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Once upon a time, when blogging was in its infancy, the travel blog was born and it was good. But eventually, words didn’t do the medium enough justice and the video travel blog evolved. Today, I introduce the next step in that inevitable progression: The Music Video Travel Blog!
As some of you may know, I met Megan just as I was becoming a world traveller and left her behind a couple of times in our first couple years together as I jetted off to explore the world. Each time I did, I’d build a playlist for her (and for me) to help keep us close on opposite sides of the world. When we went to Tibet & Nepal in 2010, it only made sense to build another playlist, and that list even played a big role in to my proposal to Megan two days before we left for Asia.
With the trip around the world, of course, it needed its own playlist too, and this time we thought why not share it with the world? Well, the best answer to that is because playlists get unabashedly dorky at times…Hiking Mt. Kinabalu in Borneo was represented by “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”…Toto’s “Africa” has made it in to a playlist. So has “I’m Turning Japanese” by the Vapors. But at the same time, we always have had a really fun time with the playlists, and it’s always fun to introduce people to songs and artists they may not have known before. So away we go.
My playlists have always told the story of the journey, with songs selected to represent points along the way. So this one starts with the answer to a question I’ve been asked again and again…”How did you talk Megan in to a trip that takes you on a 4-day 43-km hike at high altitude in Peru, deep in to a Sumatran jungle to go camping, to countries where she has to make sure even her elbows are covered, and on more flights than can be counted?” Fortunately, I have the entire conversation between us recorded…and set to song…
Posted in Operation Magellan by Adam with no comments yet.
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